Assess - AI

Assess-AI is a registry under the umbrella of ACR’s National Radiology Data Registry (NRDR), that provides real-world monitoring of AI algorithms deployed in a clinical workflow.

The purpose of the Assess-AI registry is to provide a comparison of performance metrics of your locally deployed AI algorithm to national benchmarks and facilities with characteristics similar to yours (region, facility type, trauma level, urban\rural).

Services Provided

Participating in Assess-AI will give your site access to the following services:

  • Monitoring of algorithm inputs including imaging equipment, protocols, and software version
  • Continuous monitoring and concordance with radiology reports
  • Reports and dashboards to share with your AI governance team.

Why Join?
  • Get insight into the performance of deployed AI products at your facility over time.
  • Compare AI product performance to national benchmarks and to subgroups of facilities with similar characteristics.
  • Play an instrumental role in setting standards for post-market monitoring to maintain safe and effective AI.
Performance Reports

Collected and aggregated data will be analyzed to provide a performance report on each AI product deployed at your institution. These assure clinical sites that the algorithms are performing as expected and enable developers to make improvements to the algorithms in subsequent versions.