Welcome from the MIDRC BDF Imaging Hub!

The imaging set requested is restricted and requires the submission of a data access request and analysis in the DART secure environment. Please follow the following steps:

1. Obtain an ACR ID (open to everyone) or use a CTEP-IAM account to gain access to the DART environment

2. Submit an access request for the data set in question (see URL below next to the dataset)

3. If you've already identified a subset of the data through search on the MIDRC BIH that you wish to analyze, please use the download spreadsheet function to save that index. You can then utilize the upload spreadsheet function on the DART Discovery Page to create a saved search query and perform analysis on that specific cohort.

BDF Imaging Hub Indexed Data Collections:

A subset of EA1141 cases were provided to TCIA and subsequently published. The subject IDs are consistent between the collections and although the study dates may differ between the collections due to date shift methodologies, image data for any given subject in both collections is duplicate. The data in the ACR indexed collection represents the entire collection.